You can create a color blend for a graph document or a selected graph’s plot frame.
Note: Plot frame blends are unavailable for polar and pie graphs.
Step 1
Click a graph window to make it active.
Step 2
Do one of the following:
• For a plot frame blend, double-click a graph’s plot frame to display the Plot Frame Attributes dialog, then click Fill Attributes to display the Plot Frame Fill Attributes dialog.
• For a document blend, choose Document Color from the View menu to display the Document Color dialog.
Step 3
Under Fill Type, choose Blend from the pop-up menu.
Step 4
Select a starting color from the Start Color pop-up palette.
Step 5
Select an ending color from the End Color pop-up palette.
Step 6
Choose a style from the Style pop-up menu:
• Linear creates a blend that contains linear bands of color at a specified angle.
• Radial creates a blend that contains circular bands of color radiating outward from a specified point.
Step 7
Choose a step from the Step pop-up menu to specify color progression from the starting color to the ending color:
• Constant provides an even progression.
• Log provides a logarithmic progression.
Step 8
Choose a transition percentage from the Transition pop-up menu.
The blend’s transition is the point at which the starting blend color begins to change to the ending blend color. It is measured as a percentage offset from the origin of the blend.
Step 9
If you chose a Linear blend in step 6, do one of the following to choose a blend angle:
• Choose an angle from the Angle pop-up menu.
• Enter an angle value in the space provided.
Step 10
If you chose a Radial blend in step 6, do one of the following to specify the blend origin’s offset from the upper-left corner of the plot frame or graph document:
• Choose values from the Horizontal and Vertical pop-up menus.
• Enter horizontal and vertical values in the spaces provided.
Step 11
Click Show to preview the blend in the graph window, then click OK.